Master of Science - Teacher Certification Option

This degree program in Agricultural Education offers students the opportunity to earn a Master of Science degree and acquire a teaching certificate. The program is designed to meet the needs of those individuals with a B.S. degree in some field of agriculture who desire to teach agriculture at the secondary level and earn a Masters Degree in Agricultural Education. The program cannot be completed by distance education.

The program is viewed as a practitioner’s program oriented strongly toward improving the candidate’s professional proficiency and status. The program of study includes courses and educational experiences that enhance the candidate’s skills and knowledge in the processes of teaching and learning.

Each student’s record will be reviewed to determine if they meet specific requirements for teacher education and licensure. Students may be required to take undergraduate courses to correct deficiencies. Information about teacher education at Iowa State University is available at:

Academic Plan Requirements

Program RequirementsRequired Course or EquivalentCredits
Program PlanningAGEDS 50103
Instructional MethodsAGEDS 50203
Introduction to ResearchAGEDS 51003
Foundations of Agricultural EducationAGEDS 55003
Early Field ExperienceAGEDS 5900B2
Creative ComponentAGEDS 59902
Student TeachingAGEDS 51702
Technology in Learning & TeachingEDUC 50503
Multicultural EducationEDUC 50603
Teaching Students with ExceptionalitiesSpED 50103
Educational Psychology & the Secondary ClassroomEDUC 52903
Total Required Credits 30
Required Undergraduate CourseRequired Course or EquivalentCredits
Developmental PsychologyPSYCH 23003

Note: 22 credits must be earned at Iowa State University.

The master's academic plan committee in Agricultural Education consists of at least three members of the graduate faculty.  It must include two members, including the major professor, from the major or program.  ​

M.S. Admission Procedures

Application Deadlines

March 15 - Deadline for persons desiring admission in the following summer or fall semester.

October 15 - Deadline for persons desiring admission for the following spring semester.

Click here to learn more about MS admissions requirements